One key element of the Humane Society’s mission is to educate the public about humane treatment of animals. While we are committed to educating at every opportunity, several organized programs reach out to our communities.

School Programs
The Humane Society hosts classes from Pre-K – 12 at the shelter to find out about animals, their care, and possible career paths to veterinarian or veterinary technician. We also visit students in their classrooms to discuss the kind of training needed for animal care.

Internships and Cooperative Learning
The Humane Society collaborates with BOCES and Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine to give vet tech and veterinary students hands-on opportunities to work with animals and understand shelter management. Students can fulfill their internship requirements by working for a planned period during which they participate in all aspects of animal care: feeding, cleaning, exercise, surgery, and data recording. Students from Cornell’s Shelter Medicine program played a critical role in the design of our shelter.