Bottle & Can Redemption
Drop off your New York State redeemable bottles and cans at our facility located just west of the Shelter in Montour Falls. We take the cans and bottles to a local redemption center where we receive a portion of the 5¢ deposit fee. This is a great way to support our efforts and get rid of your bottles and cans. Please package your redeemable containers in plastic bags or in cardboard six-pack carriers.

Wish List
Many people would like to give us merchandise that they know will be used for a specific purpose. We maintain a WISH LIST of items that we can really use right now. You can drop items off at the Shelter during regular open hours or by appointment.

Used cars, boats, RV’s, and motorcycles
You can arrange to have your used car, boat, RV or motorcycle picked up for donation to the Humane Society regardless of condition. We partner with Vehicles For Charity and they make it as easy as 1-2-3. Vehicles for Charity will arrange to pick up your vehicle within 48 hours. The Humane Society of Schuyler County will get the proceeds and you get a tax deduction. Contact them at 1-866-628-2277 or visit www.vehiclesforcharity.com and complete the donation form.
Tip: There is another charity called “Schuyler County Humane Society” – they are in Schuyler County, Illinois so be sure to specify us: The Humane Society of Schuyler County as your charity.