Lost and Found
If your dog is missing, please make two phone calls as soon as possible:
- The Schuyler County Sheriff’s Department at 607-535-8222
- The Humane Society of Schuyler County at 607-594-2255 x 201
Whether you talk to someone or leave a message, be sure to include the following information
- Your name
- A telephone number where you can reliably be reached
- Where the animal was last seen and when
- A description of the animal (breed, color, sex, collars, IDs)
The Sheriff’s office will alert the deputies on patrol to be on the lookout and connect you with anyone calling about a found dog.
The Humane Society will post your contact information, location and description of the animal to our website and Facebook page. Our Friends are very good at spotting lost dogs.
If your dog is located, please call the Sheriff’s Office and the Humane Society so we can update the information.

Surrendering A Dog
The Humane Society of Schuyler County encourages responsible ownership of dogs and a lifetime commitment between the owner and the dog. Nevertheless, personal situations can arise where a dog must be surrendered. The Humane Society of Schuyler County will continue to accept dogs which must be surrendered on a case by case basis. Please contact the Humane Society at 607-594-2255 to arrange a surrender.

Found Dogs
If you find a dog, please call the Sheriff’s office at 607-535-8222 as soon as possible to arrange transport by the Animal Control Officer or a Deputy when available. The Sheriff’s department and the Watkins Glen Police Department are the only entities that can take the dog into custody.
Also please contact the Humane Society of Schuyler County so information about the location and description can be placed on the website and Facebook page. Please provide the following information about the found dog:
If you can safely harbor the dog until it is picked up, please do so. But it is very important to contact law enforcement and the Humane Society as soon as possible to have the best chance to reunite the dog with his or her family. |