Wags to Riches
Our upscale resale boutique is located at 313 N Franklin Street in the heart of Watkins Glen. You can find gently used housewares, women’s, children’s, and men’s clothing along with books and CD’s. The shop is entirely run by volunteers and gratefully accepts gifts of lightly used clothing and housewares.
Think of shopping there as a gift to the animals with something nice to take home.
For up to date offerings and specials, follow Wags To Riches on Facebook.

Chewy Wish List
Find the items we most need at Chewy.com
We are constantly in need of some very basic items: dog and cat food, cleaning supplies, toys, beds, and medications. You can select and purchase items for us directly from the Chewy Wish List – Thank You!

Amazon Smile
You can support the Humane Society by making your purchases through Amazon Smile. Once you establish your regular Amazon account, go to Amazon Smile and register The Humane Society of Schuyler County as your charity. Then just make your purchases through the Amazon Smile portal – Amazon will donate a fraction of your payment to the Humane Society. Products and prices are the same as with your regular Amazon account.

Find coupons at GoodShop and GoodSearch to save you money and contribute to the Humane Society. Its easy to use – just establish a personal account at GoodShop and then select the Humane Society of Schuyler County as your chosen charity. From then on, if you use a GoodShop coupon in a purchase, a portion of the purchase price will be donated to the Humane Society.
The sister site is GoodSearch and can be used to help you find items with charitable coupons.

Fundraising Events
The Humane Society of Schuyler County collaborates with many local restaurants, wineries, and breweries in raising funds for our programs. Check out our Events Calendar to locate one of interest to you.