Just wanted to let you folks know that “Mouse” – my wife has renamed her “Gracie” (and all I can think of is the old George Burns/Gracie Allen TV show) is VERY fine and happy. She ranges from raging maniac chasing a paper wad or any one of her dozen toys around the house (2,800 square feet of it) to curling up in my lap purring loud enough for the neighbors to hear. We took her to our vet (Dr. Orzeck in T-burg – very good vet in my opinion.) He has been our vet for our last 2 felines members of the family and actually told Gracie, after he checked her out and gave her a 4-star pass on health, that she was one VERY lucky kitty to share a home with us. We both have always loved cats. They were considered gods in Old Egypt, and thy haven’t forgotten that.
Mouse is now Gracie